Our carefully selected models aren't merely super, they're versatile and flexible enough to satisfy your every need. Just relax and let them do their thing. Of course if you feel so inclined, you can take control anytime the urge arises. If you aren't yet fully convinced that our stimulating models are exactly what you need, have a look at this testimonial from one our many completely satisfied customers. He's clearly taken aim and hit the mark, and he's not alone.

Best of all, our models aren't merely good for builds, they're good for development in general. Whether you like to do it top down, bottom up, or some other way we've not yet imagined, our models will be there to help you feel like the real developer you've always wanted to be. Your imagination is the only limitation, so take a bit of time to dream of the many exciting things our models might do for you do today. The e4 team has, and now there's no holding them back. Just keep in mind that no problem is too small or too big for our models. After all, I doubt this grand palace was built without the aid of a model.

We're so fully convinced that our models are world class, we've scheduled free modelings days in two of North America's great cities: New York and Toronto. Register immediately for these exclusive events before time runs out! You'll spend a fun filled day learning about b3, Xtext, CDO, AMP, Papyrus, and SAP's exciting new query technology from some of the world's leading experts as well as discovering how these technologies have been effectively exploited. Not only that, all four authors of the EMF book are expected to be at the Toronto event, so bring your books to be signed. At the end of the day, I'm sure you'll agree: it's simply more exciting to do it with models.
Hi Ed! That's a funny ad :)
To keep cyberpolice away, replace all models with metamodels in your blog entry ;)
On a serious note, I wish I could be there for the (meta-)modeling days.
Nice one, Ed. Been waiting for e4 for a while. Too bad you won't be able to visit us at CG2010.
Angelo Hulshout
There's been talk of an Eclipse Modeling Day right before CG2010. I hope that works out...
Ed, I know about that one (I'm on the PC) - help us make it happen!
This stuff really works. I'm no longer feeling distressed and at sea after attending the Eclipse Modeling Day. And they give you cookies!
Thank you for wriiting this
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