The "let's pick on EMF" day ended well! But I'm too tired to say much about it. Axel, Simon, and Diego were the major instigators from SAP but they, and all the other folks, picked on EMF in such a nice way, it almost didn't feel like critique (much). Actually, it wasn't really so much picking on EMF, it's just that scaling problems are hard no matter what technology you use.
I got to meet some of the managers from SAP as well, so I'm very hopeful that the SAP executives will overcome their conservative ways and take the EMF plunge. You have to take risks in life to reap it's greatest benefits. It was just great getting to meet Axel, Simon, and Diego in person. It will be so cool if they get to work on and with EMF...
Rich and my demo also went well, I think, but it's best to let the audience be the judge.
And I finally got to meet Tom Schindl, though only for a few minutes. But I know what he looks like now, so I'll track him down tomorrow. He can run, but he can't hide!
The reception was nice as well, though I found out a disturbing secret. Mike Milinkovich is a closet Modeling Redneck. Apparently he believes, and I quote, "Modeling is stupid" . Rich and I were going to bitch slap him; actually mostly just me, but Rich probably would have helped because he's ever so helpful. Instead I did the politically correct thing and explained that the only thing more stupid than drawing a box called X with a compartment called y, would be to write an interface called X with getY and setY methods, a class classed XImpl, with a getY and setY methods as well as a y field and method bodies to update y, a factory to create an XImpl, some code to serialize X's y feature, and finally some code to deserialize an X's y feature. Around this point he started to glaze over so I'm sure I was highly convincing that not only is not modeling stupid, but so is Ed. He's a very insightful person!
Tomorrow I'll get to go to some of the talks so that will be cool. Stay tuned...
-- snip --
the only thing more stupid than drawing a box called X with a compartment called y, would be to write an interface called X with getY and setY methods, a class classed XImpl, with a getY and setY methods as well as a y field and method bodies to update y, a factory to create an XImpl, some code to serialize X's y feature, and finally some code to deserialize an X's y feature.
-- /snip --
Is this on your clipboard ready to paste at all times :-). If not, I think it should be.
ya... that was hilarious... I created a page to document such funny things...
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