Thursday, July 31, 2008

New Beginnings

I'm back from my fantastic sailing trip from Quebec to Newfoundland on the Canadian Sailing Expedition's Caledonia. Isn't she a beauty!

I've seen parts of Canada I've never seen before and that's served to remind me that I live in a truly spectacular country with a rich diversity of cultures and natural beauty.

Quebec City has all the charm of an old European village, which isn't surprising given that it's celebrating its 400th birthday! Vive le Québec!!

What could be more inspiring than a minke whale swimming in the foreground of this tiny Newfoundland village?

This trip has really helped to make my spirit soar with new passion.

As always, all good things must come to an end, and so the sun sets on another vacation.

Coming back to find not a single EMF newsgroup question in need of my attention was certainly very gratifying. It's a great new beginning for my journey into the unknown.


  1. Did you learn any French while in Quebec?

  2. Does a new beginning come with a new email address?

  3. Denis,

    Oui but only a wee bit. There were two nice couples from Paris on the trip and only one of the four spoke just a little bit of English. Needless to say, I spent quite a bit of time gesturing. If I understood my conversations correctly, it can be a bit difficult for someone from Paris to understand québécois. I must say that French is certainly a lot nicer on the ears compared to almost any other language.


    New beginnings do indeed start with a new email address. Gmail is ever so popular and Ed.Merks will work nicely in combination with it. I just don't want the spam bots to find my new address.
